Distance Learning

Distance Learning

These are strange and stressful times. While none of us know exactly what distance learning will look like in Adams 12, as we think ahead to planning, I wanted to share some thoughts and remind you of our amazing online resources.

**Please note that many of these resources will require usernames and passwords for off-campus access.

Streaming Video Options:

Learn 360 and Classroom Video on Demand - Learn 360 and Classroom Video on Demand are two separate products accessed through the same link. Content includes full-length videos, video clips, audio files, and interactive activities.

Both products offer options to add videos directly to Google Classroom, share links, or embed on a website. I haven't tried this yet, but I suspect you will need to provide off-campus credentials with anything you share, even through Google Classroom. 

YouTube playlists - Did you know you can curate playlists within your YouTube account and share the playlist link with students? It's also possible to insert poll questions and links to a video using YouTube Cards.

Brain Pop - While we do not subscribe to BrainPop, I learned this morning BrainPop is offering free access to schools shut down due to Coronavirus outbreaks.

Text Resources

If you aren't familiar with the Northglenn High School database collection, you can read about each collection on the About Our Databases page.

Having used all these databases at some point, I recommend looking at the Gale resources if you are interested in providing supplemental reading material (Gale eBooks, Gale in Context: High School, Gale in Context: Science, Gale in Context: US History, Gale in Context: World History).

To share a direct link to an article, you will need to click on Get Link at the top of every Gale database article.

Another cool thing about the in Context collections is that they include curated pages on the most popular topics. Each topic page includes its own unique and shareable link.

Sharing articles from the EBSCO databases works similarly, except the bookmark link is called a permalink. Permlinks can be found on the Tools menu on the right-hand side of the article.

Many of the articles in the EBSCO databases are PDFs and can be accessed by clicking on the PDF icon. PDFs are downloadable, which may be the preferable way to share content, as the permalink will direct users to the bibliographic record and not directly to the PDF of the article.

*All the Gale collections and many of the EBSCO databases will allow you to filter search results by reading level. Pro tip: Use advanced search and make sure you select Full Text before you conduct any database search.

Overdrive - Overdrive is our eBook and audiobook provider. Overdrive materials are single user access only. Students log in using their Adams 12 universal login and can download to a device using the Sora app. To access our collection, students will need to select Adams 12 Five Star Schools as their library.

Other ideas:

Google Groups - Consider adding asynchronous instruction using Google Groups. Google Groups allows you to create email lists, web forums and Q & A forums.

YouTube Live - You can live stream a lesson which YouTube will record and automatically save to your YouTube Channel. You could then share the link through Google Classroom.


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